ZimCan Health Society


March 10, 2022

Last Friday we drove to Mutare to meet one of the two 3rd year residents in the country, Joe. He works at Mutare General Hospital and is open to teams coming there to work.It may be an interesting site with specialists. He reinforced the challenge of attrition and mentioned that even supporting fees for the […]


March 3, 2022

Here is your weekly update. On Friday we met with Dr Bandiki (Mount St Mary’s Hospital, Wedza). He has a proposal in to his PMD on training nurses in non- communicable disease management, which he thinks may scale to community health workers. He might need some funding to support the nurse travel for training. We […]


February 24, 2022

It’s been an eventful week the main focus has been on getting my license here, with the Change in Provincial Medical Director and permanent Secretary it been complicated. Last I heard I’d get a letter of permission on March 17 (after I was supposed to do clinic) so was planning to adapt my schedule but […]


2017 Trip

Dr. Bret Batchelor, Enhanced Surgical Skills (ESS) GP, recently visited Karanda Mission Hospital in rural Zimbabwe and had the opportunity to interview Dr. Paul Thistle, a Canadian OB/GYN who has worked in Zimbabwe for the past 26 years. Listen to the podcast at http://podcast.rccbc.ca/2017/03/30/episode-28-march-28-2017/


2016 Trip

Over the course of my global health elective in Zimbabwe, I was exposed to many medical educational opportunities that are much less prevalent in Canada, particularly with respect to diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and learning about the natural history of various diseases when patients presented with advanced illness.  The importance of addressing the […]


2015 Trip

“I think this was a really important experience as I gained a perspective of what life is like in Zimbabwe first hand from a Zim native. I got to ask so many questions and learn about the history and current issues in the country. They taught me about their culture, food and activities. It was […]