About Us Why ZimCan Zimbabwe’s Health Indicators: Adult literacy rate(%) Life expectancy at birth(years) Infant mortality rate(per 1,000 live birth) Under-5 mortality rate(per 1,000 live birth) Maternal mortality ratio(per 100,000 live birth) Per capita total expenditure on health(PPP int. $) Government expenditure on healthas percentage of total health expenditure Government expenditure on healthas percentage of total govt. expenditure Hospital beds(per 10,000 population) Reference: https://www.who.int/data/gho HRH (physicians, nurses and midwives) density(per 10,000 population) Density of physicians(per 10,000 population) Density of nurses and midwives(per 10,000 population) Reference: https://www.who.int/workforcealliance/countries/Zimbabwe_En.pdf